Top SEO Tips to Submit Website to Search Engines

1. Submit website to Google Webmaster and Google Engine (you need to create a Google Account if you don't have one already)
Google Webmaster
Google Engine

2. Submit website to Google Analytic (follow the steps how to add your website to Google Analytic)
Google Analytic

3. Submit website to Yahoo (you need to create a yahoo account if you don't have one already)
Yahoo Engine

4. Submit website to Bing (you need to create a hotmail account if you don't have one already)
Also add website to Bing Webmaster
Bing Webmaster

5. Submit website to DMOZ; DMOZ is very important directory, because most search engine will index your website based on your listing on DMOZ. You need to select category first, then add your website. Good thing about DMOZ is that you can list your website for free, but your website need to qualify their rules.

6. Submit website to Alexa. Besides of basic entering information on Alexa, you will be given info.txt, you need to upload it to root of your website using FTP

7. Submit Website to AllCanSeek

8. Submit Website to CanLinks

9. Submit Website to Jayde

10. Submit Website to Merchant Circle

11. Submit Website to WhatUSeek

12. Submit Website to National Directory

Top SEO Tips for Blogspot

Before you change anything to Blogspot template, please backup a copy first; you can simple copy all code into text file. Just in case that if anything goes wrong, you can always go back.

1. Mega Description and Keywords
By default, blogspot doesn't automatically generate description and keywords for you, you have to do it manually. Firstly, you need backup current template; go to Design->Edit Html -> copy them all first and paste them on a txt file. Now, locate , right after that paste

< b:if cond='data:blog.url == "URL LINK"'> < meta content='DESCRIPTION ' name='description'/> < meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>

Replace all cap words in red accordingly.

The bad thing about this is that you have to add the code every time when you add new post in to blogspot. It might take more extra time, but in the end, it is really worth it. Enjoy it.

Top SEO Tips for Wordpress

1. Choose right domain for Wordpress
Choose a right domain can be very helpful to your ranking for the keywords that you are choosing. Try to choose an intelligent domain-name which contains keywords if possible.

2. Robots.txt
Create a txt file name it robots.txt; you can generate robots.txt using google webmaster or create one on your own; put the file in the root of your domain directory. In order for all search engines can crawl your website, you have to allow the bots of all the search engines:


Lastly, you have to be careful when using robots.txt, because it might harm your blog if you use it the wrong way.

3. .htaccess
Hosting should have .htaccess, if they don't have it, you can create a txt file, and name it .htaccess, and then put it in the root of directory and insert:


in order to use .htaccess, your apache webserver must support mod_rewrite.

4. Permalinks

It is very important to optimize url of each post by utilizing properties of permalinks in wordpress. For example, you can set your permalink like:


5. Pick Your Theme

There are many free wordpress themes that you choose from, however, whatever the theme that you choose, be sure to inspect the source code and make sure they are well structured, and no mal-coding.

6. Optimize Header

It is very important to optimize header; make sure to think an ideal title for all kind of pages for your blog. For example:

7. Optimize Body

Remove the link of your posts headline also remove < h2> headlines from the side bar.

8. Most Recommended Plugins

Add Link Attribute
Custom Query String Reloaded
Sitemap Generator
Google XML Sitemaps
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9. Visitor Tracking
Install visitor tracking system to analyse your traffic, you can use Google analytics.

10. Adding sitemap
It is very important to add sitemap to Google Webmaster, so Google will be notified if your website got updated.

11. Archives
It is recommend to create monthly or weekly archive

12. Ping
It is good idea to ping to other server when have updates so search engine can index faster. is very good server; most of time, Google can index your post within 2 min

13. Enable Trackback

Trackback is a great feature in Wordpress, because it creates link in the comment section who liks to the article or blog.

14. Optimize Image

Although image seems nothing to optimized about, but make sure image is not too big and take too long to load, when you rename the image, try to name it to keyword that you want to rank higher on Search engines.

15. Interlink

Internal links are very important, it can give google close view what you website all about.

16.Reuse old posts and old permalinks

It is good idea to revisit old posts and utilize old permalinks because they are indexed and have some weight on google ranking.